From the Executive Committee:

It was touching to see and hear from so many ringers as we remembered Bruce Butler at the online GatheRing this past Saturday.

With Bruce's death the office of President falls vacant, only one among the many ways in which he leaves a gap in North American ringing. In accordance with our Constitution the Executive Committee has appointed his wife, Eileen Butler to serve out his term as President for the remainder of 2022. Eileen always worked closely with Bruce in handling Guild business and her experience will be invaluable in carrying on with as little disruption as possible. We are grateful for the eagerness she has expressed to continue Bruce's work in service of the Guild which he loved.

Like the other Guild officers, the President is elected annually, and nominations for 2023 will open September 9th (30 days before this year's AGM in Raleigh). If you might be interested in serving as President or any of the other officers, or can think of another member who would be a good fit, we encourage you to begin discussing the idea now. The current officers will be happy to answer questions about what the various offices entail.