Tour of Roman Catholic Cathedral organ and bells - 2pm-4pm
BBQ at Christ Church 6pm – 8:30pm
Saturday October 8
General ringing and quarters 9am – 3pm
Tour of NC State University Carillon - TBD
Presentation by B.A. Sunderlin Bellfoundry - TBD
Annual Guild Meeting 3:15pm – 5pm
Banquet - AIA, 14 E. Peace St Raleigh - map (new tab) 6pm – 9:30pm
Sunday October 9
Quarter peals before service 10am – 11am
General ringing and quarters noon – 5pm
Monday October 10
Ringing Organization
Ringing will be separated into general ringing sessions and quarter peals.
General ringing: Each general ringing session will have a particular focus (e.g. rounds and call changes, Plain Bob & Grandsire, Kent & Stedman, Surprise). The detailed schedule will indicate the focus for each ringing session. There will be sessions on handbells as well as tower bells.
Quarter peals: Some sessions will consist of a quarter peal and will be assigned at registration.
Ringing Course
We are excited to host a ringing course on October 6-7 as part of the Raleigh AGM in October!
Two levels will be offered, Foundational Skills and Plain Bob Minor and Beyond.
Foundational Skills will focus on improving bell control, rope sight, and an introduction to Plain Hunt, for those who can handle a bell on their own and ring rounds steadily.
Plain Bob Minor and Beyond will study pieces of work, give an introduction to calling and conducting touches, and a first look at understanding coursing orders. This course is for ringers who can confidently ring inside to, and be affected by, a touch of Plain Bob Minor; no prior experience in calling or conducting is necessary.
Previous homework may be assigned prior to both courses! Further details to come.
Deadline: September 21, 2022
Both the Friday BBQ and Saturday banquet are catered and we need to have firm numbers paid for in advance by Sept 21.