North American Guild
of Change Ringers
The Clapper
~ 1990-1999
Vol. 17 No. 1, Winter, 1990
A Stedman Primer
From the President
From the Overseas Liaison
Announcement of Vernal Equinox Dinner
Second Annual Three Towers Festival in Texarkana Announcement
Striking Competition in Raleigh Announcement
Chicago Handbell Bash Announced
Ringing Tour of Northern Ireland
Survey of Scottish Towers -- II
"Pulling Off Bells"
Appeal for Shawell Bells
"Ringers' Test"
Quarter on the Rocks
Area Reports
Letters fo the Editor
Peals & QPs
Vol. 17 No. 2, Spring, 1990
Cathedral of the Holy Rosary -- A Short History
Plans for Philadelphia AGM
"Rutland: An Exercise in Surprise Major Composition"
"A Ringing Network???"
Remembrance of Ben Schwarz
Area Reports
Cathedral Consecration Year Announcement
Peals & QPs
Vol. 17 No. 3, Summer, 1990
Photos from Ringing Events
Report of Philadelphia AGM
Report of Three Towers Festival
Report of Raleigh Striking Competition
Philadelphia's Ten-Year Anniversary
Quebec City Weekend Report
!990 Handbell Bash Report
CCCBR Report
Area Reports
Peals & QPs
Vol. 17 No. 4, Autumn, 1990
Report of 1990 AGM in Philadelphia
Minutes of the AGM
Washington Celebrates Consecration of National Cathedral
Database Design for Quarter Peals
EXPO Rings for Crown Princess
Area Reports
Peals & QPs
Vol. 18 No. 1, Winter, 1991
"The Bells of Abilene Are Ringing Changes"
"A Minute and Distorted Look at North American Ringing"
Cumberlands at Kalamazoo
"A Trip to Abilene, or: A Tour of Eight Towers"
Book Review: "Campanological Archaeology"
Area Reports
Peals & QPs
Guild Book Service Offerings
Vol. 18 No. 2, Spring, 1991
"Building a Belfry, or EXPO Moves to Riverside"
"Little Rock Welcomes AGM"
"Learning Surprise Methods: Cambridge"
Striking Competition Announcement
"Equinoctial Revelry"
Area Reports
Book Review: "An Atlas of Bells"
Ringers Songs
Peals & QPs
Guild Book Service Listing
Membership Renewal Form
Submission Guildelines
Vol. 18 No. 3, Summer, 1991
St. Andrew's Honolulu Dedicated
Membership Fee Schedule
International Striking Competition
Three Towers Festival Report
Quebec City Weekend Report
Ringing for the Queen (And Then Some)
Old North Peal Lottery Announcment
USA '91 (If It's Tuesday It Must Be Texas)
Area Reports
Peals & QPs
Book Service Offerings
Vol. 18 No. 4, Autumn 1991 (Labeled Vol. 15 No. 4)
"Labor Day in the Sweet Sunny (?) South"
Membership Information
Minutes of the 1991 AGM in Little Rock
Nominations for HLM
Area Reports
Consecration of Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria
"The First Ithaca Handbell Gorge"
"Belfries, Beds, Baths, and Breakfast"
Peals & QPs
Vol. 19 No. 1, Winter, 1992
Restoration Progress at St Mary's, Burlington
Membership Information
Burlington Work Weekend: "A Wonderful, Terrible Time"
"The Proclamation of the Bells"
1991 Striking Competition: First Place Tie
Announcement of Vernal Equinox Weekend
"Meditation, Reminder"
Three Towers 1992 set for Little Rock
Area Reports
Peals & QPs
Vol. 19 No. 2, Spring, 1992
Learning Surprise Methods
Membership Information
Sound Out the Spring Song
AGM Announcement for Kent & Brewster
Area Reports
NAG Role of Honor Established
Book Service Offerings
Honolulu Update
Peals & QPs
Vol. 19 No. 3, Summer, 1992
The Lost Ring of Holy Trinity Cathedral, New Westminster
Membership Information
Central Council Meeting Report
Obituary of William Theobald
Report of 4th Annual Three Towers Festival
Report of Quebec City Weekend
News from Abroad: The Update from Oxford
The Year of the Ringing Simulator
Headstock Hiatus at Houston
Announcement of Striking Competition in Philadelphia
Area Reports
Peals & QPs
Vol. 19 No. 4, Autumn, 1992
Kent-Brewster Hosts 1992 AGM
Five Named to Honor Roll
Expansion Proposal Approved for Ballot
Minutes of 1992 AGM
Candidate Statements
Membership Information
Executive Committee Actions
Bruce & Eileen's Bellringing Tour
Re-Visiting Royalty
"A New Ring of Twelve for Minneapolis-St Paul"
Area Reports
Peals & QPs
Vol. 20 No. 1, Winter, 1993
"The Year of the Simulator -- Concluded"
Membership Information
Notice for Fifth Annual Three Towers in Texarkana
Raleigh Dedicates New Eight
Sermon from Raleigh Dedication
Philadelphia Hosts Striking Competition
Book Service Offerings
Obituary for Rt. Rev. Allen Goodings
"Define Hazing, Please"
Vernal Equinox Weekend Announcement
"Were You Invited"
Area Reports
Peals & QPs
Vol. 20 No. 2, Spring, 1993
St Michael's, Charleston, Bells Cross the Sea
Membership Information
Announcement of AGM in Calgary
Raleigh Peal Dedicates Augmented Eight
Book Review: "Change Ringing: The History of an English Art"
Report of Quarter Peal Weekend n Philadelphia
"Philadelphia Spring Dinner: The Great American Alternative to Punting
"Number Crunching at the National Cathedral"
"Meredith Morris Elected Pope? or, Awkansawyers Ring in the Presidential Inauguration of a "Man from Hope"
"Saturday Dawned Bright and Sunny"
Area Reports
Book Service Offerings
Peals & QPs
Contribution Guidelines
Vol. 20 No. 3, Summer, 1993
"Surprise! Methods"
Membership Information
"Quebec Pilgrimage"
Peal Ringing in England
Hands On in Ithaca
Dedication in Charleston
Burlington Work Party
Birthday Barbeque Bash
A Distant Country Meeting
Central Council Meeting
Striking Competition Schedule
Contribution Guildelines
Area Reports
Peals & QPs
Membership Updates
Vol. 20 No. 4, Autumn, 1993
AGM in Calgary Report
Membership Information
Book Service Offerings
A View of the AGM from Two Visitors
Minutes of the 22nd Annual AGM
Executive Committee Action Minutes
If It's Sunday, It must be Victoria
25th Anniversary of the Bells at Smith College
Contribution Guidelines
"HOG Tour"
Area Reports
Membership Updates
Peals & QPs
Vol. 21 No. 1, Winter, 1994
"First in Maryland"
Membership Information
Announcement of NAG Tutorial Program
Three Towers Festival Announcement
Vernal Equinox Weekend Announcement
"How to Make Friends with, and Influence, the Bell"
Guidelines for Contributors
Area Reports
Book Service Offerings
Peals & QPs
Vol. 21 No. 2, Spring 1994
Three Decades of Devotion
Membership Information
Executive Committee Actions
Announcement of 1994 AGM Plans
"A Sparkling Weekend in Philadelphia"
Report of Vernal Equinox Weekend
Obituary of Geddes
Area Reports
Acrostic by MT
Peals & QPs
Vol. 21 No. 3, Summer, 1994
Silent and Unconducted at Riverside
Membership Information
Central Council Meeting Report
Unwaned 37 Cwt Twelve -- Former Bull Ring Bells
"Quebec: David Flies, Lynn Doesn't, and Sally Unwinds in Chet's Arms"
"A Name on a Lost Peal Board"
Whitechapel Guild Spring Tour 1994
An Enjoyable Exercise
"Classical Music and Change Ringing Music
Area Reports
Book Service Offerings
Peals & QPs
Vol. 21 No. 4, Autumn, 1994
AGM Returns to Kalamazoo
Membership Information
Book Service Offerings
Summary Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
Peals & QPs
"Learning the Ropes"
Member Contact Information
Change Ringing in Flatland
Area Reports
Vol. 22 No. 1, Winter, 1995
Conducting Plain Bob Doubles (for Everyone)
Membership Information
Summary Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting 1/14/95
Obituary of Albert Mostone
Book Service Offerings
A Double Surprise
Invitation to Three Towers Festival in Little Rock
Area Reports
Peals & QPs
Invitation to Vernal Equinox Weekend
Vol. 22 No. 2, Spring, 1995
"Part of the Pattern"
Membership Information
Summary Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
Proposed By-Law Changes
Obituary of Bill Crichton
"The Blessing"
Philadelphia Spring Dinner Report
Philadelphia Quarter Peal Weekend Report
"Ringing Rounds: The Second Time Around
Area Reports
Book Service Offerings
QP Reports
Member Contact Information
Vol. 22 No. 3, Summer, 1995
New Bells Dedicated on Sullivan's Island, South Carolina
Membership Information
Report from the Central Council Meeting
"Life Before NAG"
Area Reports
A Tribute to the Ellis Family
NCS Ringers Tour British Isles
Birthday Barbeque Bash Report
Three Towers Festival Report
Conducting Grandsire Doubles
Area Reports
Member Contact Information
Striking Competition Announcement
Peals & QPs
Vol. 22 No. 4, Autumn, 1995
1995 AGM in Boston: Demiquinquecentennial of the Old North Bells, but We Spend More Time at Advent
Membership Information
Minutes of the 24th AGM
Officers' Reports
Tower Integrity at Hingham
QP Weekend Announcement
North American Ringers Sighted in UK!
Quebec: Remembrance of Things Past
Life Before NAG -- Part II
Area Reports
Book Service Offerings
Member Contact Information
Peals & QPs
Vol. 23 No. 1, Winter, 1996
Where Are Our Ringers to Come From?
Officer Columns
Letters to the Editor
Thanks to Will Harwin and Jill Kirby
Go in Peace! -- a Poem by Chet Ham
Washington's Dave Brown Dies
Life Before NAG; Part 3
Eighth Annual Three Towers announcement
Area Reports
VErnal Equinox Forms
Guild Book Service Offerings
Peals & Quarter Peals
Vol. 23 No. 2, Spring 1996
First Tower Bells Rung in Georgia -- Bell Dedication in Marietta
Officer Columns
Summary Minutes of the NAGCR Executive Committee Meeting
Letters to the Editor
Program for 60th Anniversary of the Dedication, Christ Church Bells, Victoria
An Unexpected Visitor
Life BEfore NAG; Hingham Chapter
Traveling Nuptials
Report of Vernal Equinox Ringing
Area Reports
Peals & Quarter Peals
Pewaukee Progress Report
Stedman Made Easy: A Review of "The Printer's Devil" by Chico Kid
Centennial Celebrations
Membership Update Information
Vol. 23 No. 3, Summer, 1996
Three Towers Festival inTexarkana
Officer Columns
Update on Plans for 25th Anniversary of NAGCR Founding
Summary Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
Letters to the Editor
Quarter Peal Weekend Report
Calling Plain Bob "By the Clock"
Charleston Young Ringers Guild
Announcement of Ring of Twelve to be Installed in Toronto
Don Taylor Meets John Taylor: Bells for Dallas
Area Reports
Life Before NAG: Calgary Chapter
Guild Book Service Offerings
Membership Information Update
Peals & Quarter Peals
Vol. 23 No. 4, Autumn 1996
Report of Miami AGM
Officers' Columns
Report of AGM Ringing Course
Letters to the Editor
Minutes of the AGM
Summary Minutes of the NAGCR Executive Committee Meeting
Officers Interim Reports
Veronese System of Bell Ringing
Celebration of the Bells, Victoria BC
Ringing in the North
Tower Grabbing -- A Poem by Chet Ham
Area Reports
Guild Book Service Offerings
Membership Information Updates
Peals & Quarter Peals
Vol. 24 No. 1, Winter 1997
Bells with Wine in California
Officers' Columns
From the Overseas Liaison
Toronto Twelve Update
Looking Back
Name Change for The Clapper
Ringing on Bodies
Area Reports
Guild Book Service Offerings
Peals & Quarter Peals
Vol. 24 No. 2, Spring, 1997
Toronto Cathedral Bells Are Installed and Ringing
Officers' Columns
Letters to the Editor
Old York Twelve Chronology
Summary Minutes of the NAGCR Executive Committee Minutes
Philly Quarter Peal Weekend '97
Ode or Lament to Quarter Peal Weekend -- A poem by Sue Clopper
Spring Again! Vernal Equinox Dinner in Philadelphia
Looking Back
Teaching Change Ringing to the Masses (a reprint)
Area Reports
Review of "There Was Life Before NAG"
Guild Book Service Offerings
Peals & Quarters
Member Information Updates
Vol. 24 No. 3, Summer, 1997
Dedication of North America's First Twelve
Officers' Columns
Central Council Report
Victoria Day Weekend Report
Seeds Sprouting Quebec!
Seventh Annual Philadelphia Bells Birthday Barbeque Bash
Ninth Annual Three Towers Festival (and Ringing Course)
Announcement of Ringing Weekend in Charleston
Review of New Teaching Aids from the Central Council
Bells and Ringing in Boston at the Turn of the Century in Boston
Review of "The Bellcaster's Apprentice"
Striking Competition Announcement
Area Reports
Peals and Quarters
Membership Information Update
Vol. 24 No. 4, Autumn, 1997
Notes from Northampton: Report of the 1997 AGM
Officers' Columns
NAGCR AGM: One Person's Perspective
Report of Smith College AGM Ringing Course
Letters to the Editor
Minutes of the AGM
Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
Interim Reports of Officers
Nomination for HLM
Candidates for Office
Remembrance of Sally Coad
Peals and Quarters
Seventh Annual Butler Tour Report
NCS Whitechapel Guild Trip to Devon and Cornwall
Reprint of Atkins article on Conducting Major
Area Reports
Membership Information Updates
Book Service Offerings
Vol. 25 No. 1, Winter 1998
DC Band Wins NAG Striking Competition
Officers' Columns
Letters to the Editor
Victoria AGM Report
The British Columbia Association of Change Ringers
Charleston's First Ringing Weekend
St. Andrew's Honolulu Tower Outing
Area Reports
Peals and Quarter Peals
Guild Book Service Offerings
Vol. 25 No. 2, Spring 1998 (Labeled Vol. 25 No. 1)
Officers' Columns
Report from Overseas Liason
Remembering John G. "Jack" Fanfani
The Bells of Trivitte Memorial Church: A Lost Ring Found
St. Mark's Church Votes to Restore Bells
Laetare, Jerusalem
Spring Dinner in Philadelphia Report
A Vancouver Peal of Plain Bob Triples
Observations of a First-Timer at a Quarter Peal Weekend
Marietta Surprise Major Weekend
Three Towers Festival Report
Area Reports
Peals & Quarter Peals
Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
Guild Book Service Offerings
Clapper Submission Guidelines
Vol. 25 No. 3, Summer, 1998
500 Quarters at the Advent
Officers' Columns
Quebec Weekend 1998
Letters to the Editor
Derek Wilsden Honored
Philadelphia Bells Come of Age
Three Towers Festival
"The Tower Handbook" -- A Book Review
Our Men in Ireland
Area Reports
Peals and Quarter Peals
Membership Information Updates
Guild Book Service Offerings
Clapper Submission Guidelines
Vol. 25 No. 4, Fall, 1998
Officers' Columns
Letters to the Editor
Exhilaration in Victoria: 1998 AGM
Shamrocks and Haggis: 1998 Butlers' WISE Tour
Recruitment: How Is It Going?
Change Ringing in America Circa 1946
Interim Officers' Reports
Minutes of the AGM
Summary of the Executive Committee Meeting
Area Reports
Peals and Quarters
Membership Information Updates
Clapper Submission Guidelines
Vol. 26 No. 1, Winter, 1999
Officers' Columns
Letters to the Editor
Dangerous BC Bells
Plain Bob's Almanac: Ringing Jargon
20 Tons of Bell Metal and Not an Ounce of Change
Of Mushroom Clouds, Quasimodo and the Efforts of Mere Mortals
A Neophyte Rings at York Minster
1999 AGM plans
A Charleston Peal
1998 Striking Competition: Stella Maris
Area Reports
Peals and Quarter Peals
Even Registration Forms
Vol. 26 No. 2, Spring, 1999
"A Ringer Departs" -- Remembering Wendell Blake
Summary of Executive Committee Meeting
The Three Towers Festival Report
Philadelphia Spring Ringing: QP Weekend Report
Celebrating the Vernal Equinox
Plans for the AGM in Charleston
"How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Scenes from Marietta Surprise Weekend
Area Reports
Peals & QPs
Announcement of Striking Competition
Submission Guidelines
Vol. 26 No. 3, Summer, 1999
Officers' Columns
Membership Information Updates
Plain Bob's Almanac: Repairing Bob Doubles
Venimus Tinnimus Vincimus, or The Marietta Surprise Workshop
St. Mark's Bells: The Grit, the Grime, and the Glory
Birthday Bash Weekend
All Local Band First Peal (Marietta)
Central Council Report
Area Reports
Peals and Quarter Peals
Clapper Submission Guidelines
Vol. 26 No. 4, Fall, 1999
Officers' Columns
Striking Competition in Hendersonville
When Sound Meets Symbol: A Day of Change Ringing and Mathematics at Kalamazoo
The Bruce and Eileen Butler 9th Annual Tour -- The Shires
St. Mark's Rededication Weekend
Area Reports
Peals and Quarter Peals
Clapper Submission Guidelines