Surprise ringers going to the AGM, please swot up Cornwall Surprise Major.
I've been asked to lead a few sessions at the NAGCR AGM in Little Rock this coming weekend focused on ringing surprise methods. Based on folks I know are planning to be there we should have enough folks not only to ring the usual standard sorts of surprise methods, but also work a bit on Cornwall. If we do, this would be a valuable use of some of our time.
So, if you are able, please swot it up. The blueline can be found at
Some notes I jotted down about the method for the Pittsburgh Ringing Course this past summer can be found at
The relevant notes are about 80% of the way down, in the section headed "Notes on the methods to be rung" in the subsection headed "Cornwall."
If you are a surprise major ringer, please don't be put off by this. While different, Cornwall is no harder than Cambridge or Yorkshire; in fact, as you gain familiarity with it, it is in many ways easier. It's particularly congenial for striking well as coursing foursomes spend so much time together producing lots of easily recognizable rollups of similar sized bells, multiple times because of the dodges, aiding careful listening and efforts to strike them cleanly.