Over the past few years we have had inquiries from membersasking if the Guild would accept payments on-line. The Executive Committee decided that weshould now explore this option.
In January and February we conducted an on-line poll askinganyone who thought he or she would like to pay on-line to respond. The poll asked if the member would prefer touse 1) Google Wallet, 2) PayPal, 3) don’t care if the member uses either one,or – if none of those – 4) some othere-commerce facility that the member could name.
There were 82 answers to the survey. Overwhelmingly, peoplevoted for PayPal, as you can see from the results below.
1. Iprefer Google Wallet 6 (7.32%)
2. Iprefer PayPal 52 (63.41%)
3. EitherGoogle Wallet or PayPal is fine with me 19 (23.17%)
4. Iprefer Other: (Please specify) 5(6.10%)
The “Other�preferences were stated as follows:
§ Visa
§ Sqare
§ ANYTHING to get on-line payment part of the NAGreality. And fold the costs into the purchase price. It truly is a cost ofdoing business!
§ or
§ But I''m sure I could get and use a googlewallet account
To reassure our members who do not plan on using thee-commerce option, the NAGCR will also continue to receive dues in thetraditional manner by checks, money orders, or cash.
The plan is to implement the e-commerce option, usingPayPal; we will be working with the webmaster to develop and test the newoption and hope to go 'live' starting this Autumn.