NA College Youths invited for ASCY visit to Trinity-NYC 27-30 Oct. Peal ropes & more available; contact Master, Philip Goodyer.
Philip's message in full: "I am leading a group of ASCY members on a short ringing tour to North America in late October. We will be in New York 27-30 October, and there are ropes in ASCY peals available, general ringing at Trinity and a dinner on the Saturday night to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the dedication of the Trinity bells and the first peal on the bells (by the ASCY). Non-members are very welcome at the dinner. If you are interested in either peals or the dinner let me know at We are going on to Toronto on Sunday 30th October and will be attempting a peal and attending practice night there on Monday 31st October. The tour is part of my plan to ring ASCY peals during my year as Master at the best 12 in all 8 Nations with twelve bell towers."