Would you like to be automatically notified when something new is posted to NAGCR.org on the Announcements, Calendar, or Event Reports pages?
This capability is easy for you to set up on your own computer using an alerting system called RSS, a web technology that enables you to receive content updates from websites of your choice, including the new NAGCR website. With "RSS-to-Email" you won't miss important developments - for example, last-minute changes to ringing event schedules - just because you've forgotten to visit our site recently. Once you've set this up, a notice of any changes to the pages on our site that you have tagged will arrive in your email inbox once each day. The email will present a list of new items showing the first line or two of each with a link to the full article, so you can easily click through to our website to read the entire item.
The simplest way to set this up is to go to the website http://www.feedmyinbox.com/ and follow the directions. You can start with any one of the NAGCR.org pages that has an RSS icon in the right edge of the address line in the upper part of the browser window. Depending on your browser, that icon may look like this, a rectangle with the letters "RSS" :
Or it may look like a square with radiating curves:
Creating your RSS-to-Email feeds should take you less than one minute. It couldn't be simpler and it doesn't seem to have created any privacy or spam problems. If you want more information about this approach, click on "How does it work" at the bottom of the FeedMyInbox webpage. There are numerous other ways to set up RSS feeds, but this is by far the easiest we've found.
How to get automatic notices of updates to the NAGCR.org site in your email.