Congratulations to Mike Hinton for winning the North American Guild's Instagram Picture Contest (Interesting Active Pictures) with his picture of his miniring in full action at Holy Trinity Cathedral, Quebec.  As his prize, he will receive a copy of John Longridge's book "Conducting & Coursing Order".

The next Instagram Picture Contest will start on the first day of summer, Thursday, June 20, 2024 and end on the first day of fall, Sunday, September 22, 2024.  The R&R Team will offer a choice of prizes to the person who submits the team's favorite picture.  Preference will be given to

pictures that attract non-ringers.

Prize choices include:

  • an embroidered bookmark (max 6 bells) by Donna McEwen
  • a ringing lesson on RingingRoom
  • a $10 credit for a ringing event such as the AGM

To submit, send your pictures