I hope several ringing areas can use King Charles' Coronation on May 6 to generate some media attention.  I have included a draft press release below.  Please feel free to modify or replace as fits your needs.  I am happy to help send your release to your local media outlets.

Best regards,
Tom Farthing
NAGCR Public Relations Officer

Bells will ring out across the United Kingdom in the traditional English art of change ringing for King Charles' coronation on May 6th.  While commonplace in England, change ringing bells are rare elsewhere in the world.  <Place name> is home to one of only 50 such "peals" in North America.

If ringing on May 6.

The <Place name> bells will ring on May 6th at <Time>.  Visitors are welcome to come listen and see the ringers in action.  Please contact <contact name> at <email address> for more information.

If not ringing

Please contact <contact name> at <email address> for more information.